We aim through our activities different in the field of marketing and distribution to the expansion of sales and open up new horizons we were able to communicate with the Arab and international companies around the world ... more
Adopt a set John innovation in product development strategy designed to promote a high-quality, innovative products which keep the legacy Group John of confidence that made their products a part of life and of our products ... more
محتويات القائمة العلوية الأولى محتويات القائمة العلوية الأولى محتويات القائمة العلوية الأولى محتويات القائمة العلوية الأولى
almurisi Agriculture was established in 1990 for the marketing and sale of various agricultural materials fertilizers and other agricultural inputs currently he is the agent and distributor for many companies and agents in Yemen ... more
The company almurisi agricultural , in collaboration with a number of international companies and leading European and excellence in the field of fertilizer production the industry of agricultural pesticides and fertilizers ... more